Fire Hazards in Homes: Melted Wires

Electricity is dangerous, but not always in the way people think. Most people think of electrocutions, which is when electricity courses through somebody and stops their heart, leading to death.

But fires are another major hazard with electricity. One common way that an electrical fire can happen is when a wire burns up.

Wires burn up when they are improperly connected (loose) or have a compromised connection (typically oxidization or rust).

When a connection is loose it increases the heat which eventually melts and can start a fire. This has killed people.

In many cases, this is actually a very simple repair, although if the underlying components are damaged they will need to be replaced. If it’s just the wire, it’s a simple fix.

This highlights the importance of hiring qualified electricians to do electrical work—not the cheapest person you can find. It’s not worth your life.

Very badly burned up wire. This also shows two wires under a single terminal. This was common in older homes but is no longer allowed by code. This is typically not a difficult fix.

The breaker bus bar is badly burned. The panel should be replaced in this instance for safety.

The “brown” wire is actually white. It’s brown because the heat discolored it. You can see a black section closest to the breaker. This hasn’t gotten too bad yet and is an easy but urgent fix.


Fire Hazards in Homes: AFCI